Reissue 2022

Roveresca was the name given to a collection of marble design objects promoted in 1989 by Bigelli marmi under the curatorship and art direction of Tonuccidesign, today this collection has been updated and extended under the same curatorship.

This new production presents work in marble and other materials created by leading architects and industrial designers from the 1950s to today.

Luigi Caccia Dominioni, Nigel Coats, Toni Cordero, Boris Podrecca, Guglielo Renzi, Umberto Riva, Valerio Sacchetti, Enrico Tonucci, Oscar Turquets Blanca, Francesco Venezia have created unprecedented forms linked to their own design aesthetics, which clearly aspire to make marble an almost ductile substance, which bends into contemporary formal designs acquiring a dynamism that seems the opposite of the solid, ” heavy” material essence of this stone which has been able to embody the ideal of beauty over time and in history.

The resulting effect is great variety and a design energy made possible by the skilled craftsmanship trained over years within our company and by the possibility of using the best industrial technologies. We cultivate creative thinking to find new solutions and new functions for our products.

We believe in the experimentation, passion and enthusiasm of those who dedicate their talent to modelling material every day. Above all we invest in restoration, because we are convinced that the words “Rethink” and “Redesign” have an intrinsic wonder.

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